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Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Dr. Enriquillo Clime Rivera.
A graduate of the prestigious school of medicine UNIBE, Dr. Clime is the embodiment of a doctor by vocation. He has dedicated his entire adult life on learning and study so he can best serve his patients. He did his specialty in general surgery at the Santa Casa de la Misericordia and Plastic Surgery at the Casa de Portugal Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After concluding his specialty he dedicated himself to the search for perfection, so he made visits and training on some of the most prestigious medical schools in the United States.
Dr. Enriquillo Clime
Allow us to show you that you can be even more beautiful.
Because our true objective it’s and always will be to work for your safety and your beauty.
Why choose us?
Reasons why you should choose us.

Certified Plastic Surgeon.

Safety first but results always.
Our patients undergo rigorous evaluations by a multidisciplinary team as well as all the technical support necessary for safe surgery.

Dedicated and Focus
We are dedicated and focus and served each of our patients according to there needs. We have a team of 15 specialist ready for you any requirements you could have.

Service made with Love
Dedicated and in love with his profession, fact demonstrated by his participation in humanitarian campaigns and presentation of works Dr. Clime is by definition a natural born surgeon.
Know us better.
Because our true objective it’s and always will be to work for your safety and your beauty.
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