A much more common pathology of think it, it can be defined as the pathological enlargement of one or both mammary glands in men. This disorder is often associated with hormonal disorders, obesity, use of certain medications, among others. There are historical records with drawings in Papyri from ancient Greece, presenting men with this disease, in some African tribes was considered a sign of Holiness.
As saying I disorder previously hormonal as hyperprolactinemia (excess prolactin in blood that is also synthesized in males), and the hyperoestrogenism play a leading role. Men undergoing treatment with estrogen may develop accumulation of fat in breast shape, what is known as pseudoginecomastia. It is more frequent in male mammary pathology. Obese males also tend to develop a pseudoginecomastia, usually occurs in puberty from the 12 to 14 years until 20 or 21.
Contrary to what most of this thinks it pathology presents complications that exceed the aesthetic and psychological discomfort. Gynecomastia can be part of the physical characteristics of syndromes such as the Klinefelter; males with this syndrome have low levels of androgens (male hormones) and high levels of estrogen (female hormone). Normally, men have an X chromosome and a chromosome and. But those with Klinefelter Syndrome have more than one X chromosome (sometimes up to four). The symptoms of this syndrome include: having longer legs, a sharper voice and a less thick than the rest of the men beard; have smaller testicles than normal; and be infertile.
Another reason which makes mandatory the accompanying doctor of Gynecomastia is his known relationship with breast cancer, particularly aggressive disease in man.
Nowadays the use of liposuction has come to revolutionize the treatment, reducing surgeries with large scars and major complications, even removal of the gland via a periareolar incision is essential, the material removed should be sent for biopsy. The accompanying doctor is essential, because it is very important to detect and control any type of hormonal disorder.
As already explained the Gynecomastia can be the manifestation of a syndrome, or the performing isolated. It may be the result of genetic disorders, and sometimes it can appear in by the use of certain medications, as a side effect of them. The drugs that most frequently have this problem are: can mainly be associated with the use of inhibitors of pump of protons as well as calcium antagonists, Yolagogo, Digital, estrogen, griseofulvin, isoniazid, finasteride (proscar and propecia) Methyldopa, phenytoin, spironolactone and cimetidine and the anabolic steroid.
As already explained the Gynecomastia can be the manifestation of a syndrome, or the performing isolated. It may be the result of genetic disorders, and sometimes it can appear in by the use of certain medications, as a side effect of them. The drugs that most frequently have this problem are: can mainly be associated with the use of inhibitors of pump of protons as well as calcium antagonists, Yolagogo, Digital, estrogen, griseofulvin, isoniazid, finasteride (proscar and propecia) Methyldopa, phenytoin, spironolactone and cimetidine and the anabolic steroid.
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